California bans mandated parking near transit to fight high housing prices, climate change

By RockedBuzz 1 Min Read

News, California bans mandated parking near transit to fight high housing prices, climate change : detailed suggestions and opinions about California bans mandated parking near transit to fight high housing prices, climate change .

Citing the need to address California’s twin crises of housing affordability and climate change, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that bars local governments from mandating parking spaces as part of most development near transit stops.

Critics say the new law could backfire, but supporters argue that by eliminating a costly piece of new projects, Assembly Bill 2097 will result in lower cost homes in urban centers, a plus in a state with sky-high home prices, rents and a growing homeless population.

“This is one of the biggest land-use reforms in the country,” said Michael Manville, an urban planning professor at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs, adding that only Oregon has done something similar.

In signing the bill Thursday, Newsom emphasized its potential environmental benefits as well. With more housing in walkable neighborhoods with public transit, he said climate change-inducing car trips will be reduced.

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