15 Nutrients and Benefits That are Good for Hair

By RockedBuzz 7 Min Read

In this article, we have put together dec nutrients, vitamins and benefits that are good for hair to have healthier, stronger and bushy hair. In order for your hair to come alive and look much more glamorous, you can already start planning the changes you will make in the form of nutrition!

15 Nutrients and Benefits That are Good for Hair: Although hair care is important for healthy, vibrant and lush hair, the nutrients we receive are also very important. Just as the way we eat directly affects our body health, it also affects hair health and skin health. For this reason, just as we pay attention to healthy eating to have a healthy body, consuming some nutrients for healthy, strong and lush hair can have an effect.

Vitamins that are good for hair

When we think about the nutrients that are good for hair, we see that the vitamins we take from these foods come to the fore. The vitamins contained in these nutrients play an important role in our hair and skin health as well as strengthening our body. We can list the vitamins that are good for hair as follows:

– Iron
– Zinc
– Biotin
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin A
– Vitamin B12
– Folic acid
– Vitamin B5
– Vitamin D
– Vitamin C

Now let’s take a closer look at which foods you can get these vitamins that are good for hair

1. Egg

15 Foods That Are Good For Hair And Their Benefits

Which food is good for hair loss? If you’re thinking, the answer is: Egg. Biotin, which strengthens the hair follicles and prevents hair loss, is found in a very high amount in the egg. Especially by consuming eggs for breakfast, you can have stronger hair and prevent hair loss.

2. Spinach

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Dark green vegetables such as spinach play an important role in hair health as they are extremely rich in iron. In addition, vitamin A and vitamin C in green vegetables are also very effective in strengthening hair.

3. Salmon

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Oily fish such as salmon are extremely rich in omega 3, protein and vitamin B12. As they are very effective in body health, consuming salmon 1-2 times a week for brighter and healthier hair gives results. It is also known that Omega 3 has an effect on hair loss.

4. Sweet potatoes and carrots

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These two vegetables are among the foods richest in beta carotene. Beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, has a very supportive feature in strengthening the hair and growing new hair. In addition, vitamin A is known for its ability to relieve dryness of the scalp and support healthy sebum production.

5. Avocado

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Avocado, which is very rich in vitamin E, is known as a food that supports new hair formation and hair growth. Thanks to avocado, which has great effects on body and skin health, you can have much healthier hair.

6. Nuts

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Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts contain high levels of vitamin E and zinc. This is known as extremely beneficial vitamins for hair health. Including almonds, which are extremely rich in vitamin E, in the daily diet to have strong and healthy hair makes a difference. Biotin found in cashews and walnuts is effective on hair loss and hair breakage.

7. Chia and flaxseed

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Seeds such as sunflower, chia, and flax are also important for hair health, as they are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B, and omega-3. The selenium and zinc in these seeds also make the hair stronger and healthier.

8. Yogurt

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Yogurt, which is very rich in calcium and pantetonic acid, that is, vitamin B5, is one of the most effective foods for strengthening hair. Yogurt, which has an effect on thinning hair, hair loss and hair weakness, is an extremely beneficial food for both the body and the skin.

9. Blueberries

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Many of the hair loss and scalp disorders can be caused by external factors. To prevent this, antioxidants, which are known to be very effective in skin care, come into play. Blueberries are an antioxidant-rich fruit and a must-have for healthy hair.

10. Tangerine

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Like all citrus fruits, tangerine is a fruit rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C in tangerine strengthens new hair by supporting the production of collagen in the body. In addition, the vitamin B in tangerine supports the formation of new hair and allows hair to grow faster.

11. Oysters and mussels

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Oyster, which is very rich in zinc, is also very effective in strengthening hair. It not only prevents hair loss caused by zinc deficiency, but also helps hair to be stronger.

12. Oats

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Oats, which is one of the richest foods in terms of iron, zinc, omega-3 and fiber, is very effective for strengthening, thickening and healthy hair strands. Especially since it helps to accelerate hair growth, porridge can be consumed for breakfast.

13. Lentils

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Lentil, which is very rich in biotin, is a nutrient that is important for hair health as well as it is necessary for body health. In addition, the protein, iron, zinc and folic acid in lentils strengthen the scalp and hair. It is an extremely useful food as it also supports the formation of new hair 😊

14. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon has the ability to increase blood circulation. By accelerating the blood circulation in the scalp, it strengthens the hair and supports the formation of new hair. By consuming cinnamon with porridge, you can benefit from the nutrients that are good for both hairs at once.

15. White and red meat

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While it is very beneficial to the body thanks to the protein in white and red meat and vitamin B12, it is also extremely important for hair and skin health. Meat products, which help strengthen and repair hair, are essential nutrients for having a healthy and strong body in every respect.

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